16 July 2007

Bah, so I'm sitting here staring at this blank page trying to write up a post. I cannot get Blogging Writer's Block!

Basically what I came here to say is that I have begun a project that I've christened the Book-in-a-Year project. I have planned out, step-by-step, what I will need to do to complete a novel, revise it and send it off to at least one publisher/agent within a year.

It begins with choosing a book, which I have. It's titleless and completely plotless at the moment. All it has is a genre (fantasy) and a world (this one... sort of).

Now I have three and a bit months of brainstorming, making characters and plotting till I begin writing in November with NaNoWriMo. The brainstorming will include, hopefully, creating a language and drawing maps.

After November, I'll continue writing through December and January, though at a slower rate most likely. I should be finished by February. I'll lay it aside for a week or two and then begin a four step editing process including having someone else's eyes read it. Finally in June I will track down appropriate publishers and agents and by the 9th of July--exactly one year since I began--I will send it off to the first name on my list.

Now, the hard parts will be to stick to the plan and to not get sick of the novel during the year.

Needless to say, Night Magic is being put on hold. Also in other news, there's only about nine days till I find out who won The Competiton. The August issue of Woman's Weekly comes out on the 25th and it will contain the winner's name and story. It seems both a very long time and no time at all since I entered that story.

Hopefully I'll drop by here more often to keep you updated on the Book-in-a-Year project.

Goal: Research/brainstorm to find a plot
Date Begun: 9-Jul-07
Target Date: 30-Jul-07

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Lauren's bookshelf: to-read

Doctor Who: The Art Of Destruction
The Silmarillion
Lighthouse Girl
The Count of Monte Cristo
Through Gates of Splendor
The Time Traveler's Wife
Doctor Who: Winner Takes All
Buffaloes: Adventures in Arnhem Land
Looks, Brains & Everything
The Animator's Survival Kit: A Manual of Methods, Principles, and Formulas for Classical, Computer, Games, Stop Motion, and Internet Animators
Testament of Youth: An Autobiographical Study of the Years 1900-1925
The Screwtape Letters
Doctor Who: The Stealers Of Dreams
Doctor Who: The Price of Paradise
Dawkins' God: Genes, Memes, and the Meaning of Life

Books for Lauren to read... »