15 June 2007

And now for a ScriptFrenzy report.

Title: Conveniently Missing
Words: 2552/10000
Mood: Freaking out

Ah the joys of piles of school, work and other committments. I came into the June, 20k word script writing challenge knowing full well that I might not be able to finish. But I didn't think it was going to be this bad. We're exactly half way through the challenge and I'm no where near 10k. Some serious writing will have to be going on to get there in time.

I'm writing a crime/mystery about a gangster and a waitress. Thing is, it's not planned out super well so I'm kind of dawdling at the marriage scene, hoping I'll get a burst of inspiration. And it's come... in a way.

You may have noticed they played Ocean's 11 recently, what with the third movie coming out and all. Well, I watched it so now I've seen both 11 and 12. And it's got me thinking that I could write my script, Conveniently Missing, a bit like them with huge, complex thefts. So, what I'm thinking is the murder victim will have betrayed his pals twice (a different set of pals each time). The main character will be from the second set of pals and the antagonist from the second set. Now, either the MC or the antagonist killed the victim. I know which one but I won't spoil the plot in case my script ever becomes a million-dollar blockbuster.

Now, CM won't involve a complex theft because... it's too complicated. It'll be about the MC running away from the antagonist and the cops. Now, I still haven't figured out a few things such as setting (from where they ran and to where they're running), climax (the big, crunch point) and ending (where everyone lives happily ever after... or not). All of which are extremely important.

Now you see why I'm scared... very scared.

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Lauren's bookshelf: to-read

Doctor Who: The Art Of Destruction
The Silmarillion
Lighthouse Girl
The Count of Monte Cristo
Through Gates of Splendor
The Time Traveler's Wife
Doctor Who: Winner Takes All
Buffaloes: Adventures in Arnhem Land
Looks, Brains & Everything
The Animator's Survival Kit: A Manual of Methods, Principles, and Formulas for Classical, Computer, Games, Stop Motion, and Internet Animators
Testament of Youth: An Autobiographical Study of the Years 1900-1925
The Screwtape Letters
Doctor Who: The Stealers Of Dreams
Doctor Who: The Price of Paradise
Dawkins' God: Genes, Memes, and the Meaning of Life

Books for Lauren to read... »